Graph Tech TUSQ XL Jumbo Blank Nut
This is a great option to replace and upgrade the nut on just about any guitar.
It is not slotted so this will need to be done.
Guitar makers and players agree... guitars come alive with TUSQ man-made ivory. TUSQ is simply more efficient at transferring vibrations to your guitar top, resulting in big open lows and clear bell like highs.
Bone and Ivory nuts and saddles have one inherent problem - they're made from animals, and therefore are inconsistent in their growth causing soft or dead spots because of their natural grain. TUSQ nuts, saddles and bridge pins are precision engineered under high pressure and heat, specifically to govern which frequencies are transferred to your guitar top (tone), and which frequencies remain in the strings (sustain). TUSQ is made from 100% organic polymers, contains no oil or animal by-products and is consistent from piece to piece, and within each piece. TUSQ offers you harmonically rich tones without the problems associated with natural materials.
TUSQ delivers a rich tone, crystal clear bell like high end with big open lows and asignificant increase in harmonic content and harmonic sustain. Increased harmonics equals more richness and character in your tone. Its the difference between a four piece choir and a twelve piece choir singing every time your play a note.
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